January 25, 2005

Elderly Budget Pressures

MSNBC - Elderly to put 'phenomenal' pressure on budget

First, it's a slanted headline, but I might be taking it that way just because of the amount of work I've put into communicating Social Security lately.

But it turns out the article is mostly talking about medicare and medicaid, not social security.

And it's kind of funny, because it undermines Bush's message so much. He's trying to say that Social Security is in crisis, but he's the one that passed a Medicare bill that is turning into so much larger of a drain than Social Security. Just look at the following graph from the article:

Federal Spending2

And this is knowing that the Medicare bill is a dreadful bill, with so much money in giveaways to the drug companies (which I don't know the details of, but believe), and that it's got to be possible to offer higher medical benefits at less cost with an adjusted bill. Given that it undermines Bush's social security message, it almost makes you wonder if Bush was as steamrollered by the lobbyists as progressives and elderly see themselves steamrollered by Bush.

Posted by Curt at January 25, 2005 01:37 PM