November 03, 2004


Right now I think the only hope for Democrats is to find a way to compete on "values" again. We need to become the New Testament Jesus party, and need to find highly religious liberal Christians. Going the Dean direction is a bad idea. What was good about Dean was his straight-talking demeanor, and we need to find more of that too. But the other qualities about Dean would have been even less appealing to the overall electorate than Kerry was.

It'll be a huge and interesting challenge, figuring out how to turn the language of religion back towards the Democrats' favor.

Posted by Curt at November 3, 2004 11:08 AM


The problem with that is you would have a problem with the A word... If you want to get a portion of the religious vote back (like myself), you need to tackle the inconsistencies with Abortion and globalism (I would also throw Israel into the mix, though, as most of the fellow christians I know care passionately about the treatment of Israel).

What would have worked for y'all is if you could have found someone like Clinton - who doesn't offend voters and at least acts like they are likeable. Kerry did not do this... Edwards MAY be able to do this in 2008. Hillary would be a total disaster.

It's possible... Just learn the lessons of this campaign.

Posted by: Jeffrey at November 3, 2004 11:39 AM

What do you think of Democrats that are pro-choice but are working hard to reduce the occurrence of abortions? Clinton: "safe, legal, and rare". Both parties arguing honestly should agree on the need to decrease the number of unwanted preganancies.

And what in your mind is the inconsistency in globalism?

Posted by: tunesmith at November 3, 2004 11:46 AM

I would agree with that... I wouldn't ban abortions completely - they have their place when the life of the mother is threatened, or when a rape (or other crime is committed)... There is just the impression made by the militants that abortions should be made available to everybody for any reason... That's what turns us off...

Personally, a lot of us fear a one-world government. Kerry scared a lot of people by his insistence on bending to the will of the United Nations. We prefer our sovereignty. By succumbing to the UN, we risk all of our freedoms and rights to the international community who does not share the views of a vast number of Americans. This is what I meant when I referred to globalism. We are citizens of the United States, not the United Nations. (Also, on strictly religious grounds, I personally believe that the one-world government will lead us toward the End Times, especially with their agnostic/atheistic bent).

Posted by: Jeffrey at November 3, 2004 12:30 PM

I've never understood this one-world government stuff. What is it about a one-world government that would bring about the End Times?

I guess how it breaks down in my mind is that in a sense, we've always had a one-world government - it's just that most of the world wasn't able to communicate with each other very well. Now we're all able to communicate with each other a bit more.

I don't really believe in aliens, but let's just say an alien civilization showed up from another world that didn't like us very much. One that was about as technologically advanced as us - they wouldn't be able to destroy us, we wouldn't be able to destroy them. To them, we'd be Earth - a collection of governments and regions that all have slightly differing policies, but still one world, one collection. We'd need to speak to them on behalf of Earth, even if it happened tomorrow - but it wouldn't mean that the United States would have to dissolve or anything.

As it is now, we might deal with the United Nations a bit more or a bit less from year to year, but I don't see how it would ever mean that the United States would be dissolved. Much like even though we have a federal government, it doesn't mean our state boundaries get dissolved.

I think the strengths of the United Nations are just that of collaboration to solve really big, huge problems. Like, it's easier to deal with a genocide situation if there's a collaborative decision to put a stop to it. And, since Iraq has an impact on so many other countries, it would have been easier to deal with it had many of these other countries played more of a part than they did.

But I just don't see the danger in the United Nations asserting policies onto the United States that would limit religious expression. I can't imagine any Democratic politician anywhere that would allow that.

Posted by: tunesmith at November 3, 2004 01:11 PM

Oy, the Democratic party needs to become more like the Republican party. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right? Let's just figure out the one true religion and set up our theocracy so we can get this holy war started without any more fuss.

Sorry for the sarcasm... probably not what you need right now. I'm just a scared little atheist bunny... especially after last night.

Don't get me wrong... moral values are a good thing to have. If those values stem from one's personal belief in a god, what's it to me? Most Americans are Christian. I recognize and respect that. Their faith has a profound influence on the decisions they make... and they're good, honest people mostly.

But we need the Democratic party to take a stand here. It's important to keep church and state separate. Once they're mixed together, personal freedom dies. The church becomes a bureaucracy and the government becomes a tool for indoctrination. It's a lose-lose situation.

Not only that, we need to demonstrate to the world that America is not launching a holy war. No really, we're just trying to leverage power in the oil-rich, Middle East... we're not trying to wipe out Islam. We want to own your precious natural resources, not your thoughts. Oops, more sarcasm.

Really though, I wonder if Americans are starting to buy in to the idea of a holy war. Could that be it? Someone attacks us, says that it's the will of their God that America should be brought down by its own excesses... that puts us on the other side of the equation. "Our" God versus "their" God.

Anyway, thanks for putting up those pre-election, election, and post-election threads. Hitting the refresh button... gave my hands something to do during that whole miserable night.

Posted by: Robert Waugh at November 3, 2004 05:37 PM
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