October 07, 2004

Bush Is A Puppet

What kind of president do we have if he can't even be trusted to come up with his own words in his own debates?

Check this thread for a discussion of Bush wearing a hidden earpiece during the debate, being coached for his answers. Find the photo downthread that shows the bulge in his jacket.

And in particular, check out this video of CNN accidentally picking up a frequency of someone repeating Bush's words - BEFORE Bush says them - while Bush is giving a speech. In other words, of Bush dutifully pausing, listening, and repeating the words that are privately broadcast to him.

Update: Hmm. If you listen to the last clip closely, you may notice that the "echo" voice is identical in inflection and tone to what Bush says. It's quite possible this is merely a technical glitch with CNN's feed, of the audio being broadcast twice.

Posted by Curt at October 7, 2004 11:01 PM


FYI, this has also now made Salon.

Posted by: The One True b!X at October 7, 2004 11:33 PM
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