October 01, 2004




Update: All right, all right... it's really more of a "Sssssssss....."

Posted by Curt at October 1, 2004 01:08 PM


Either that or an "Erp...pardon." Do you suppose one of the local channels will follow up a Mt St Helens news segment with an ad for Pepto-Bismol?

Posted by: Joe Medina at October 1, 2004 01:46 PM

Hurricanes in FL,LA,AL...Volcano in WA with potential side effects in OR...hmmm..is Mother Nature trying to tell us something right before election day??

Stay safe!

Posted by: Kath at October 2, 2004 01:09 PM

A columnist at the SFGate had a few thoughts on that very subject -- I found it amusing, although some might find it offensive.
Does God Hate Florida?

Meanwhile, looks like, having cleared her throat, the lady's getting ready for a few more words ...

Posted by: Jamie at October 2, 2004 03:32 PM
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