September 13, 2004

Kerry And Iraq

I think if Kerry gets elected, he's going to have a very hard time inoculating himself against Iraq. Any continued problems there are going to be used as evidence by the Republicans that Bush could've done it better. I just don't see the message discipline among the Democrats to be able to politically survive the Iraq struggles over the next few years. Voting for him anyway in the hopes that he replaces Rehnquist and possisbly O'Connor with more liberal justices.

Posted by Curt at September 13, 2004 01:20 AM


Interesting comment. I came over here through a link to something you posted on DailyKos about the Strict Parent model as applied to Bush: "As far as foreign policy, Bush's side doesn't really have to do with the strict father model, either. What really happened is that they simply went berserk, left the house to beat up someone with the same last name as an attacker, while leaving all the doors to the house unlocked. They sacrificed protection for a raw display of power. They weren't strict. They were so weak that they lost their cool and put us at risk."

That's excellent and absolutely true. I wanted to contact you because I run the site; the site was launched about 10 days ago as a grassroots effort to fight the flip-flop myth, and we're about to do a big upgrade, adding sections on topics such as why Kerry will protect us from terrorists more effectively than Bush. Then we're going to do a big push to promote the site. I wonder if you would be interested in writing anything for the site or at least letting me quote things like that comment of yours above. Thanks.

Posted by: Karen van Hoek at September 20, 2004 07:16 AM
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