February 12, 2004


I've had two people email me already about Drudge. It's always painful to link to that man's site. But this could have a real impact even if it's not true. Evidently there's some big brouhaha over Kerry allegedly having a recent affair with an intern. More interestingly, Clark has predicted (weeks ago) that the Kerry campaign would implode over it, Clinton has supposedly called Edwards asking him to continue the race, and it's the reason why Dean reversed his decision to withdraw after Wisconsin a few days ago. That's all heresy from daily kos .

I don't think there's very much active polling going on in Wisconsin, so next Tuesday's election could be very, very interesting.

Update: Al Giordano believes this could have been planted by Kerry. Pandagon believes quite the opposite. Wisconsin's polls are currently awful for Dean.

Posted by Curt at February 12, 2004 12:21 PM