November 10, 2003


Today Tamara and I were over at Peter and Kira's for Family Dinner, and Kira served lentil soup. I took a sip, said, "Mmmm... I haven't had this since I was a boy."

And the entire table burst out laughing.

I'm 33. They are 31, 30, and 29. This was hilarious to them, and I didn't give it a second thought. Did I age that much in that time?

Posted by Curt at November 10, 2003 12:02 AM


Maybe that's because we were all waiting for the Campbell's theme song to start playing...

"Oh, I haven't had this since I was a boy!"
Smiles and looks adoringly at his friends who tilt their heads, smiling. Scene fades...

"Campbells... soup is good food...!"

Posted by: Tamara at November 16, 2003 12:00 PM
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