April 15, 2003

Cocoa And Jelly Donuts

So, I'm trucking along in Cocoa. I've got some C experience, I definitely have object-oriented experience, and I'm finding their tutorial delightful. I've finished their sample interface and have started hooking the interface up to classes, feeling pretty confident about everything, and then I come across their explanation of outlets:

WTF? This still confuses me, even after I've already had some experience with outlets and actions from learning WebObjects. (It also ticks me off enough that I find myself sulking a bit, and learning slower than I otherwise would. Just because it pisses me off.)

Posted by Curt at April 15, 2003 02:02 AM


Wow. I mean, wow. I'm getting lost in the whole "Pot calling the Kettle Jelly Donut" thing. Hasn't someone somewhere written something that renders discussions like this pointless yet?

Posted by: damon at April 15, 2003 02:52 PM
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