February 17, 2003

O'Reilly and Glick

You remember Mr. Glick, who said "Let's Roll" on 9/11? Well, his son was on The O'Reilly Factor because he signed the "Not In Our Name" declaration. O'Reilly tried to embarrass him, Glick kept his composure, and O'Reilly promptly embarrassed himself. Here's the transcript. Here's the audio. Then there were the moments afterward. You can hear Glick talk about it on a Real Audio interview from Democracy Now.

Evidently O'Reilly apologized to the audience after the break for having Glick on the show, saying that he never would have had him on the show had he known what Glick would be saying, and said more in later days about Glick spewing anti-American hatred and propaganda and was behaving crazily like a maniac.

Update and Correction: Evidently Jeremy Glick's father was not the "Let's Roll" Glick; he was another Glick that died in the WTC. "We regret the error."

Posted by Curt at February 17, 2003 03:18 AM


Just a correction--the Jeremy Glick who appeared on O'Reilly's show is not related to the "let's roll" Glick. His father worked for the Port Authority and was killed in the Twin Towers, not on the airplane.

Posted by: David Maynard at November 22, 2003 08:41 PM

Wow, thanks. I'll correct it in the entry itself.

Posted by: Curt at November 22, 2003 08:45 PM
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