So how do you control coverage? Well, you don't. But you can encourage.
When I was in elementary school, I did a science fair project that involved comparing local crime rates with the phase of the moon. I think I got second prize (there were multiple first prize winners). But the key to that project was that I found a person working in the police station that had access to all the statistics and was able to give them all to me by date.
These days, I would think those statistics would be available in real-time on a regional basis. I'd like to see a live indicator that actually showed the violent crime index compared to previous dates. A little graphic shown each day so people can see the crime rate go down when they actually think it is going up. Actually, I'm sure that quite a few newscasts have got to be already doing this. But I'd also like to see it as a web service.
By the way, the upshot of my 7th grade science fair experiment was that the crime rate was noticeably more active when there was a full moon. My conclusion was that the moon has an impact on many people's moods, making them more aggressive. A couple years later, thanks to an old Shoe cartoon, I thought of an alternate explanation: That the full moon makes it easier to see.
Posted by Curt at February 8, 2003 04:04 PM