January 27, 2002

you're huddled here in

you're huddled here
in this tower
the ground shakes
in time to your sobs

debris falls and strikes me
i am pelted by sharpness
the pain is deep
but the wounds close quickly

you ask me to leave you
and i try,
at times

when i am gone,
i know your sobs subside
i see the tower stop shaking

but you are still inside
and the tower must not stand

i enter you
you shake again
my presence stabs you
more debris strikes us

you beg me to leave
but the tower must not stand

I try and shield you from the rubble
but not too much
I am struck often
but the wounds close quickly
for I know it is light outside

the tower must not stand
but you rage at me 
for pulling it down around you
why do you enter me? you ask
to ruin everything and hurt me?

i claw at the mortar
i rip at the stone
i push over walls and 
pull down ceilings
i smash brick and lava and rock 
we cough in the dust and dirt
as I gently try to explain

i want to find what will remain
when we are done

Posted by Curt at January 27, 2002 11:01 PM