April 16, 2002

Well, I punted on

Well, I punted on the business name thing. It just got too annoying. I was taking the name thing really seriously, which was probably a problem, but I also didn't want to settle on a name I wasn't psyched about. In the meantime my checking account was sinking and I had checks in my wallet. So I went and signed up as Curt Siffert Software Engineering. They assured me they could add a name later.

I've started looking around for apartments. First lead is a condo out near Nike campus for $400/month less than what I'm spending now. That's on Wednesday.

I had crazy dreams last night. First was that my ex was involved with a new guy named Scott that started hitting her. Then I was in a percussion lesson. The previous day I was experiencing this sense of images flashing in my head and then disappearing before I knew what they were. Kind of like subliminal images in movies, except it was real life. So if I start going all manchurian candidate, you know why. Posted by Curt at April 16, 2002 03:24 AM