September 07, 2002

Weird - the other

Weird - the other day on channel 15, I came across something that looked like a low-budget movie of the week - something to do with a mechanic that saw strange lights and then started getting funny abilities like being able to learn languages quickly, move things with his mind... he could break a code he heard on a ham radio, the army came after him, they told him he had a tumor, he identified an earthquake, he has a crush on a lady that makes local crafts...

If this sounds familiar, it should - I'm describing 1996's "Phenomenon" with John Travolta. Except it wasn't. It was other actors. He escaped from the hospital and took to the road, and all of a sudden it is "Fugitive".

Weirder still is that I hear it's actually one of the upcoming fall pilots. I haven't the faintest idea why I just happened to already see it.

Maybe I'm a phenomenon now... Posted by Curt at September 7, 2002 02:22 AM