January 05, 2003


Making progress on my iPod project. I had five categories:

  1. music I've never heard (or rated)
  2. music I've heard once and not rated (to form opinions on)
  3. music I've rated but not listened to (to listen to and make sure)
  4. music I've heard many times and not rated (overdue for rating)
  5. music I've rated

#3 was easy to get past since there were only a couple of examples. #4 was harder since I had over eight hours of music in that category, but it's finally all rated.

So now my system is easy. If I listen to a tune more than once (recently) and it's not rated, then it's removed from my iPod and shows up in a special iTunes playlist for my attention. I rate it and then it goes back into my iPod if it's three stars or above.

So I can either choose to listen randomly, or to only new music, or to music that I'll have to rate soon if I have the attention span to be judgemental.

Right now half the songs on my iPod are three stars or above, and the other half are unrated. The 5gb iPod is full. Posted by Curt at January 5, 2003 01:53 PM