I'm a web technologist with several years experience developing database-driven software for the web. Skills include java, perl, php, database design, and several related technologies. I'm available for hire on a freelance basis for technical projects requiring needs assessment, analysis, architecture, or implementation. Previous experience includes development of corporate intranets, ecommerce storefronts, portal systems, content management systems (CMS), and feature-rich online community systems.
I'm also something of a "web thinker" and have written on technology, media, democracy, and group psychology. I'm available for hire to write for commercial purposes. My public writing can be republished for noncommercial purposes without prior approval, pursuant to the Creative Commons "by-nc-sa" license, assuming attribution (including web link) is given. Informing me of the republication is requested as a courtesy.
I also have a degree in classical piano (CU/Boulder '95), and when I'm not bending my brain on programs or technology philosophy, I can be found planning a new composition or trying to learn Chopin's fourth ballade.
For information on hiring me for writing, consulting, or programming work, or for any other reason, please contact me using the form below.